Welcome to Witches, Bitches and Dead People with Intuitive Oracle,Jami Hearn
Dec. 13, 2023

Being the Channel and Listening to the Guidance with Christin Bjergbakke

Being the Channel and Listening to the Guidance with Christin Bjergbakke

Join us for the Best of Witches, Bitches and Dead People where we replay our most popular episodes through the end of the year. This is a wonderful time to listen again. If you're new to the podcast, enjoy discovering these episodes for the first tim...

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Witches, Bitches, and Dead People

Join us for the Best of Witches, Bitches and Dead People where we replay our most popular episodes through the end of the year. This is a wonderful time to listen again. If you're new to the podcast, enjoy discovering these episodes for the first time.

Jami and Christin discuss how a life crisis, or three, began Christin’s channeling path with Melchizedeck. Christin shares how channeling and trusting what comes through can guide you to your purpose here on Earth.  Enjoy a special channeled message at the end of the episode.